Watching videos, e-mailing professionals and reading books started in this period and by October all the research was done and it only needed to be written. This took more time than I imagined, as the way the dissertation is written is more strict than the past 2 years.
My plan was to have the dissertation finished by the end of November, but due to how the module is structured this was delayed one more month. Although, by the beginning of December the essay was pretty much shaped and it only needed a bit more of work plus revisions to be completed.
The practical work was started during the period of Christmas and it took shape by the beginning of January, a bit after we were back. It was considered the time for feedback sessions, as I of course get from peers in the studio but also from diverse communities on the Internet. These ones require more time to gather the information needed, which was something considered as well.
The time was organised by using a bullet journal, which in the picture might look messy but helps to getting things done and not forgetting about what is needed to do for every tutorial and checkpoint.
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