Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Cop Crit

For this group crit I prepared a very brief explanation of what the practical work in regards to the dissertation is going to be about.

I explained that one of the conclusions from the dissertation is that consumers buy meaning, so I wanted to brand a product that was all about meaning. That product is air.

I asked several questions.

1.- Suggestions of similar brands?


The film Lorax

Consider packaging football t-shirts to have the smell of a particular football player

2.- What approach would you have to a project like this?


Something like food, with ingredients

Luxurious. A product that Gucci would release.

3.- Do you think the name "essence" works?

It works. Since it's English is quite neutral and doesn't have any connotations that remind the audience of a certain smell.

4.- Any other suggestions or ideas would be highly appreciated

Check out the South Park game smell device.

A device to spray the air over oneself.

Show the process of capturing air.

Cheesy goldfish in a bag with branding on top.

Pop up a stall with bags of air.

Make it luxurious.

Make brands like gucci have a jar of air from them.

Range of products (low-high end)

I had one more question that I couldn't ask because we ran out of time, but the amount of ideas I got from the other 3 compensated the outcome.

5.- Main difference perceived between this product and perfumes/fragrances

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