As Title Sequences is a way of branding, design a logotype of something different from a film following title sequences theories.
Brand different films creating a dissonance with Synaesthesia to explore the limits of this effect.
Title Sequences
Re-make the Title sequences of a specific film to re-interpret them and fully understand the process.
Make different title sequences creating a dissonance with Synaesthesia to explore the limits of this effect.
Advertise a product or service using this format to take advantage of the unconscious acceptance Title Sequences have in the popular culture. (Just an idea, but don't want to contaminate this form of art)
Title sequences designed in such way that merchandise can be made out of them. For example, instead of designing something very abstract, make something like the Pink Panther, a content that encourages to be reproduced in the real world.
Make gifs out of title sequences for background on film covers on digital platforms.
Title sequences of a book.
Title sequences of an indie film.
Title sequences for internet content (E.G: Youtube channel, anonymous shortfilms, etc).
Title sequences for Virtual Reality
Other works
Make a typographic work based on the theories of genre and title sequences (E.G: Book Cover, Poster, etc)
Make a series of posters of specific films that can justify a use of a dissonance with Synaesthesia.
A series of posters based on the theories of title sequences.
Design typeface/s for genre/s
Animation to create atmosphere for those getting into the cinema. (Pre-film)
Make a series of posters using metaphores that summarise a key fact of a film.. This will allow more experimentation with different films and genres in the use of typeface/background in a graphic design context
Packaging design of a product/film based on title sequences theories.
Title sequences are a film within a film that provides focus for diverging expectations. Make a publication that follows a similar principle. Example: A product with a particular package that represents the experience of the product to be spotted in a shop.
Use a dysfunctionality of audience seeking entertainment in other emerging disciplines to find a canvas to add depth of meaning. (Note: time should be involved in order for this to make sense, as publications that are not subject to time the undesired parts can be easily skipped)

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