The purpose of this post is reviewing and evaluating an example of CoP work-in-progress. Address effective elements and areas to develop further.
Evaluate questions to consider:
What were your initial aims?
My initial aims was to design something that is normally genderised and un-genderise it.
What processes / strategies have you used and why?
I've done experimentation with colour combinations and typeface that alongside with feedback sessions have allowed me to identify the most genderless choices.
What literature have you read that informs this work?
The same that has been mentioned in the essay.
Is the work effective (in terms of your aims)? In what ways? How do you know it is effective (testing)?
Not yet. For now it doesn't make the audience think about a gender when it's picked. Nevertheless, it has to be more focused on perfumes.
I know its effectiveness because of the experimentations and feedback previously mentioned.
Does it communicate what it should do (in what ways)?
It should communicate more sophistication and it should look more perfume related.
What are the successful elements and why?
Colours and typeface. Probably because I've had experimentation with it, and not with shapes.
What areas need improving or developing further and why?
Shapes, layout, to properly communicate the message that is intended to.
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